How to Master the Downward Dog Pose to Stretch Out Your Tight Hammies
That said, it’s possible that down dog can help ease some of the stiff achiness. Your hamstrings can tighten up with low back pain, so opening those up—like in the downward dog move—may help ease some discomfort, Dr. Salay says.
And one more thing: If you’re dealing with back pain, make sure that whatever kind of yoga postures or exercises you’re doing—whether that’s down dog or something else—aren’t worsening your symptoms. “If it is, modify or hold off on that pose,” Dr. Salay says.
How can you modify downward dog?
The OG posture can be a little intense, especially on your hamstrings and your wrists (since it involves supporting a lot of your bodyweight through your hands). The good news is, there are few ways to adjust it so it can still find a home in your yoga practice (or however else you like to weave it into your fitness routine!). If you have especially tight hamstrings, you can try the bent-knee down dog variation. In fact, Dr. Salay recommends this if you can’t straighten your legs in the pose without arching or rounding your back.
Feeling wrist pain? You may want to try the similar dolphin pose, which has you on your forearms instead of your hands, Dr. Salay explains. That tweak reduces pressure on your wrists.
Who should not do downward dog?
Downward dog isn’t for everyone. It’s considered an inversion pose, since it takes your head below your heart. So if you have any conditions where inverting is not recommended—like retinal issues, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or acid reflux—then you should skip this pose, Dr. Salay says. And people who are pregnant may want to check with their doctor before giving it a go. (Though FWIW, research suggests it’s a safe pose for expecting folks who are generally healthy and don’t have pregnancy-related or other health issues, including high blood pressure or gestational diabetes.)
Beyond that, folks with osteoporosis should be cautious with downward dog, Dr. Salay says. While the correct form is generally safe, many people with osteoporosis may struggle to keep a straight back, she says. If your spine rounds (which you can see by watching yourself in a mirror, or by having a yoga teacher keep tabs on you), you could compress your vertebrae and increase the risk of fractures, she explains.
The pose is also a must-skip if you have injuries where you wouldn’t want to weight-bear through your arms or legs, like a fracture, Dr. Salay adds. And finally, if down dog causes you pain in general, as well as pain, numbness, or tingling further away from your back—like in your glutes, legs, or feet—then hold off. The latter could indicate nerve irritation; prolonged nerve compression can lead to issues like muscle weakness or decreased sensation, Dr. Salay explains.
How long should you hold downward dog for?
If you’re doing down dog as part of a yoga class—it commonly shows up as a transitional pose in sun salutations—you may hold it for just a moment or two. But if you’re practicing it on your own, Dr. Salay suggests using your breath as a guide. Beginners can hold the pose for three breaths to start and then gradually increase to five breaths as they advance, she says.
How do you do a downward dog?
The last piece of your down dog education? Learning how to do the move safely and effectively. Follow these step-by-step instructions and scope the GIF tutorial to master this pose.